Manufacturers of Computer Control Pedals

					Release: Dec. 15, 1995

	VoicePedals bring hands-free operation 
	 to IBM's VoiceType Dictation System.

Sunnyvale, Calif. -- Bilbo Innovations Inc. announces that its
Keyboard Control Pedals will be used in conjunction with IBM's
VoiceType dictation system.

The new product, VoicePedals for IBM's VoiceType, brings new capabilities
and ease of use to the dictation system and speeds up its operation.
VoicePedals, developed by IBM's strategic partner, VoiceWare
Systems of Belmont, Calif., is based on Bilbo Innovations' hardware
and VoiceWare's software.

VoicePedals, especially when combined with VoiceWare Macros, allow
virtually hands-free control of IBM's VoiceType dictation system.
VoicePedals, a set of three reprogrammable foot switches complete
with over 50 macros bring quick and easy control to VoiceType by
enabling users to:

... start and stop dictation with the tap of a foot pedal
... turn microphone on and off
... press an Oops pedal to delete the last word dictated and a second
later continue the dictation session -- uninterrupted
... insert dictation into any Windows program
... edit and dictate in several applications concurrently

VoicePedals eliminate repetitive tongue-twisting vocal commands
that interfere with thinking and dictation.

VoicePedals partially relieve strain from vocal cords, the strain that
can cause cords' inflammation and injury akin to Repetitive Strain
Injury affecting typists' hands.

VoiceWare Macros, a library of 350 voice macros, especially when
used in conjunction with VoicePedals, allow quick and easy use of
VoiceType. They enable fast hands-free correction in the VoiceType
window and entry editing in Word or WordPerfect.

The list price for the complete VoicePedals kit is $189. Further
information could be obtained from VoiceWare Systems (415-637-
0146) or from the company's World Wide Web home page:
